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Diagnosis and symptom

निदान एवं लक्षण

निदान अर्थात व्याधि का ज्ञान । रोगी शरीर की परीक्षण के माध्यम से रोग उत्पन्न होने का कारण निर्धारित होता है , उस कारण को ही निदान कहते है । और उस कारण के रूप को लक्षण कहते है ।

“Nidan” and “lakshan” are terms used in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine.

In essence, while nidan focuses on understanding the cause of a disease, lakshan deals with recognizing and interpreting its symptoms. Together, they form the basis for diagnosis and treatment in Ayurvedic medicine.

विषय सूची


निदान हेतु :-

हेतु निरूपण :-

संप्राप्ति के भेद :-

अष्टविध परीक्षा :- नाड़ी, मल, मूत्र, जिव्हा, शब्द, स्पर्श, नेत्रा, अकुति ।

षड्विध-क्रियाकल :- संचय, प्रकुप, प्रसार, स्थान, व्यक्त, भेद ।

पाचन संस्थान रोग :-

श्वसन तंत्र रोग :-

मूत्रवाह संस्थान रोग :-

प्रजनन संस्थान रोग :-

रक्तवह संस्थान रोग :-

वातवाह संस्थान रोग :-

मनोविकार रोग :-

नेत्र रोग :-

कर्ण रोग :-

नासा रोग :-

मुख रोग :-

कंठ एवं गल रोग :-

चर्म रोग :-

संक्रामक रोग :-

Introduction to Disease Diagnosis:

   – Basic concepts and principles of disease diagnosis

   – Importance of accurate diagnosis in healthcare


   – Understanding the mechanisms underlying disease development and progression

 Clinical Assessment:

   – History taking: Learning how to obtain relevant information from patients

   – Physical examination: Techniques for systematic examination of different body systems

   – Interpretation of clinical findings

 Diagnostic Procedures:

   – Laboratory tests: Understanding common tests like blood tests, urine analysis, imaging studies (X-rays, CT scans, MRI), etc.

   – Advanced diagnostic techniques: Endoscopy, biopsy, genetic testing, etc.

 Disease Classification and Taxonomy:  

– Learning how diseases are classified based on various criteria such as etiology, pathology, and symptoms

   – Studying different disease classification systems (e.g., International Classification of Diseases – ICD)

 Common Diseases and Their Diagnosis:

   – Overview of major disease categories: infectious diseases, chronic diseases, autoimmune diseases, etc.

   – Detailed study of specific diseases: symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and differential diagnosis

 Case Studies and Practical Application:

   – Analyzing real-life case scenarios to apply diagnostic principles

   – Role-playing exercises for practicing history taking and physical examination skills 

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